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Nail Polish Art Activity for Kids


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Nail Polish Art Activity for Kids

Brittany McCabe

nail polish art activity

Nail Painting Activity for Kids

Here is another super fun art activity to do with your budding artist that involves nail polish! This activity is perfect for any creative kid that enjoys painting their nails, toes, or anything for that matter. This activity can be done outdoors to keep the mess down. We enjoy taking the art outside for many reasons. First, the clean up is always so much easier and because of that, the kids do not have to be too careful with making a mess and can instead focus on having fun and creating. Another reason we take the art outdoors is to breathe fresh air and to get nature as an inspiration.

This nail polish activity is perfect for girls and boys who love painting nails all by themselves! We all know it can be a challenge to paint your nails without help, so to cut down on the frustration, have a copy of their hands and feet to paint freely. We used card stock paper to trace their hands and feet onto. Once we had their hands and feet traced, I had the kids draw their own nails on their fingers and toes. Now they had easy to reach and easy to paint fingers and toes!

Kids Nail Polish Art Activity:

Ages: two years and up (adult supervision required)

Type of Activity: Art

Skills it Develops: hand/eye coordination, fine motor skills, cognition, and creativity.

kids art activity

Materials Needed:

1.       The Alpha Kids (nail polish for girls & BOYS) Nail Polish

2.        Cardstock, cardboard, or construction paper

3.       Pencil

4.       Painters tape (optional)

5.       Tray (optional)


1.       Tape the paper onto a tray or whatever surface your child will be doing the activity. We have a designated craft table that serves all our creative projects.

2.       Once the paper is secured into place, have your child trace their feet. You can help them this process, or it may be easier for them to trace your foot, instead of their own.

3.       Next, draw on some nails at the tips of each finger. You can draw a small dot on the left and right of each nail and they can connect the dots, by drawing a “smile” to make the nail. If this is too difficult, you can draw this for them.

4.       Unscrew the lids of The Alpha Kids nail polish to have each color they pick ready for their activity.

5.       Remember, this is nail polish. It can be wiped from several hard surfaces, so long as you do it immediately when it drops. Please keep an eye and try to keep this activity on a tray, on a designated art table, or outside.

nail polish art activity
nail polish art activity
nail polish art activity
nail polish art activity