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Filtering by Tag: resources

Resources About Gender Gaps & What you Should Know

Brittany McCabe

gender gap

Resources for parents on gender gaps:

1. Check out this study conducted by UCLA professor Dr. David Geffen. He finds that boys are actually more sensitive and take longer to develop.

2. An article talking about societal shifts and being inclusive when it comes to gender specific toys and how big stores and toy makers are helping to make this shift.

3. Love this article from! Its such a great read on the hidden “dangers” of letting boys play with dolls.

4. Another article from Scary Mommy, highlighting the benefits of boys playing with “girl” toys.

5. An article on explains why children like to dress up.

6. A very interesting read from LEHIGH University talking about how boys learn differently and what is happening now that there reverse gender gaps.

7. An awesome article published on The Guardian, talking about this couple who documented their daughter and son’s understanding of gender stereotypes.

Please feel free to share your awesome finds in the comments below!