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Cutest DIY Nail Polish Valentine's Cards


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Cutest DIY Nail Polish Valentine's Cards

Brittany McCabe

Kid’s DIY Nail Polish Valentine’s Cards

kids valentines day card

Looking for a fun and creative new DIY Valentine’s cards for all your special loved ones? Here is a super cute DIY Valentine’s day card for any creative and art obsessed kiddos, The Alpha Kids mini nail polish! These little mini bottles make for the cutest, creative, and most artistic Valentine’s day around!

Great for ages: 3 and up!


1.       Plain index cards or card stock

2.       Pencil

3.       Scissors

4.       Tape

5.       The Alpha Kids Mini nail polish

6.       Marker of choice


1.       Trace a heart onto the cards about 3-4 inches wide and 2 to 3 inches tall

2.       Cut the hearts out

3.       With a marker write out “You are the ART to my HEART,” on one side of the heart

4.       On the other side of the heart, tape The Alpha Kids mini nail polish onto.

The Alpha Kids is nail polish for girls and BOYS, so this makes for an awesome, gender-neutral, and original Valentine’s day card that is sure to wow everyone. The Alpha Kids polishes are 10-free, cruelty-free, and vegan. They are bright, bold, and fast drying. Applying with one coat and get back to playing!